Sunday morning and feeling quite emotional about the tour.

Friday of course was free entry so calling it “Sold Out” is odd so we went with FULL HOUSE (couldn’t think of anything better word than, ruddy rammed!!)😂

We are beyond grateful to you for coming to the shows. It has been a joyous run of shows that have exceeded all our expectations. Luke, Nick and I from a young age have wanted to be musicians and share our music.

All of us stood and imagined playing Wembley or Glasto and the sights and sounds that we would experience. What was lost on us in our youth was the journey. Honestly, it’s the best part! None of us would change how we got to this point, the late nights, the missing family events, playing to no one in the back and beyond. It has all been building and getting us to the next point in the journey.

We have had so many people helping us along the way and it is only right that we thank them as well. Laurence Jones and Chantel McGregor took almighty chances on us as the support act and opened doors that we could not open. LJ took us to the Netherlands for gods sake, the first time ever an English band has supported him out there. Same with Dom Martin who is taking us around the UK and to Ireland! This will be a total game changer for us and we will never stop thanking him for it. Solid Entertainments have put us on countless festivals, shows which has grown our audience as well and helped us improve as a band.

Guy from Great Music Stories was the first person to really pick up on Echoes and played it constantly and then all our other tracks. The “Live Act of the Year” award that we won on his show, the interviews, opening up so many fans for us. I cannot tell you how many people come up to us and say, I heard you on Guys show. The Loverocks – Beer And Music Festival and Wildfire Festival found us through Guys show I believe (do correct me if I’m wrong) He also got us on Times Radio!!!!

These Wicked Rivers boys for always being on hand for support and advice and for getting us on shows together. We love you boys and will see you on the road for sure!

The reviews, interviews, and support from Magazines, radio and awards have been nothing but beautiful to us. It has given us yet another platform for people to find us. Blues in Britain, Emerging Rock Bands , Lee Graham’s Rock Show, Beyond The Vibe Podcast, GetFact, MetalTalk, Classic Rock Magazine, The Sound Lab, UK Blues Federation, Radio Caroline, Pluggin’ Baby, VOUZ Magazine and I’m sure I have missed some!

Whitney from Wild 1 Media and Jon from Justice Brothers for the PR guidance and constant advice. We would have made so many wrong moves if it wasn’t for them both.

Trevor Gibson literally transformed our songwriting and made us look at ourselves and never settle for anything less than great. It was gruelling at times for all the right reasons and I’m so glad we did it.

Our manager Ron. He organises our lives on a daily basis and is the strategic mastermind behind it all. Never misstepping, always has our back and wears so many hats for us. We would be lost without him

And importantly, YOU. You turn up to the live streams, the support shows, the headline shows, the buying of the merch. The sharing and liking of the social posts, telling everyone about us. It would be nothing without you.

We would not be in this position if it wasn’t for all of these amazing people. Without them, we don’t sell out these shows and it is not lost on us, not one bit.

All we want to do is repay this support and make you proud.

Stay Happy & Free

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